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4 months to go until Nordic regions largest feminist conference

We are now releasing the first draft of the program for Nordiskt Forum Malmö 2014 – New Action on Women’s Rights. Thousands of people together with star academics, top politicians, everyday heroes, researchers, activists, performers, cultural profiles and business leaders are expected to attend Nordiskt Forum in Malmö on 12-15 June.

– We have had a fantastic response from the civil society, government authorities and individuals. It really feels like we are doing this together. And we are now starting to see the results in the form of a broad, multi-faceted program, says Caroline Matsson, Conference Manager of Nordiskt Forum.

The Nordiskt Forum program consists of a number of main tracks: the Arena Program, the Main Nordic Program, a performance art program and a film program, all put together by the organisers, as well as an Open program that hundreds of other actors are a part of. In addition to the conference program, there is a large area with free admission that offers music, performances, talks, debates, different activities to try out, author talks and a large exhibition area with hundreds of exhibitors.

The Arena Program

You will find your favourites in the Arena Program, Great Actions, Great Ideas – star academics, top politicians, everyday heroes, activists, debaters, performers and cultural profiles – on the big stage. In short and striking speeches, talks and cultural events, you will see and hear good examples of how we are advancing women’s rights and gender equality. Imagine short, striking speeches in the style of Ted Talks! An impressive inauguration ceremony with lots of great music as well as a grand closing ceremony will also be held in the Arena.

– The Arena offers a wide range of names. You will have the chance to see Sofi Oksanen, Catharine MacKinnon, Raewyn Connell, the gender photographer Tomas Gunnarsson, Gudrun Schyman, Alexandra Pascalidou, Soraya Post, Tiina Rosenberg, Birgitta Ohlsson and Kawa Zolfagary, to name a few. All of this together with cultural elements such as music and performance art. It will be a mix of perspectives and experiences that raises questions, brings renewed energy and stimulates all the senses.

The Main Nordic Program

The Main Nordic Program is the ideological core of Nordiskt Forum. Here, we will analyse challenges in the Nordic countries on the basis of the CEDAW Convention and the Beijing Platform for Action. During the four days of the conference, we will formulate clear demands and proposals for the future together, based on the 12 themes of the conference. These will become the backbone of the final document that we will hand over to representatives of the Nordic governments and parliaments at the end of the conference. The Main Nordic Program will be put together by representatives of the Nordiskt Forum organisers, about 200 Nordic women’s organisations.

– The contents of this program are being worked on in the different organiser groups during the spring and the wider public will also have a say. Each theme will be addressed during two program sessions: the first session will consist of an overview of the current situation and the aim of the second session is to look forward and to draft new solutions and strategies.

The open program

In the open program, civil society organisations, activists, small associations and representatives from the women’s movement as well as representatives of industry, governments authorities, companies, political parties, trade unions, universities and other actors will organise their own program events.

– There has been an incredible push to participate. It is evident that feminism, gender equality and women’s rights are hot topics right now in the Nordic countries. And feminism is quickly becoming a hot topic in the election campaign, which will be noticeable in Malmö. We are now presenting the program events that are already fixed in the open program, four months in advance. There are a number of places left, so those of you who are putting the final touches on an idea or who think that there is something lacking in the existing selection are encouraged to get in touch with us!

During Nordiskt Forum, we will take the pulse of current gender equality policy. The UN has not organised a global conference on gender equality and women’s rights in the past 20 years. The reason behind this is, among other things, that the reactionary tendencies in the world are so strong that there is a clear risk that the rights established at the last conference would be pushed back if the door were opened to new negotiations. The conference program and discussion are based on the CEDAW Convention and the Beijing Platform for Action. The aim is formulate new demands, commitments and strategies that will be turned over to the Nordic governments. Nordiskt Forum Malmö 2014 is organised by 200 organisations from the Nordic Women’s Movement in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

The program will continue to be filled during the spring.

– We have received many requests for different things from Queer Tango to Q&A sessions with politicians in the exhibition area to speed dating for those who want to find mentors. We are working to make all of these things happen. Anyone with something to contribute is encouraged to contact the project Secretariat – all ideas and contributions of work are welcome! There will also be several associated events before and during the week of the conference. In collaboration with Malmö City, we are organising a proper festival with a huge feminist celebration as the highlight on the Saturday evening.

You can see the program here:


You can read the program as a schedule or as a list. As the program is very extensive, it can be difficult to get an overview. You can filter the program so that you only see program events that touch on specific themes, are organised in certain languages or take place on a certain day. And hey – share and talk about the program events that you think are exciting on social media so that more people find their way here!


Where: The conference will take place at Malmö Arena and Malmömässan.

When: 12-15 June 2014

How: For more information and a list of fixed participants, go to

Like nordisktforum on Facebook.

Follow @NFM2014 on Twitter

For more information:

Caroline Matsson, Conference Manager +46 (0)72 – 853 35 89,

Roxana Ortiz, Communications Manager, +46 (0)72 – 853 35 91,

Nordiskt Forum Malmö 2014 – New Action on Women’s Rights is a historic meeting focused on women’s rights and gender equality. It is organised by 200 organisations from the Nordic Women’s movement.


Pris för bästa jämställdhetsarbete i Norrbottens län!

Norrbottens läns landsting, Länsstyrelsen, Kommunförbundet och Luleå tekniska universitet har enats om att jämställdhet står högt på agendan i år. Tillsammans har de instiftat ett pris för bästa jämställdhetsarbete i Norrbotten. Prissumman är på 50 000 kronor och vinnaren får även vara med och presentera sitt arbete i Norrbottens monter på Nordiskt Forum i Malmö i juni.

Norrbotten kommer att delta med en gemensam monter och programpunkt, där vi presenterar jämställdhetsarbete som bedrivits i Norrbotten genom samverkan mellan olika aktörer och som har gett resultat. Vinnaren kommer att få delta i Malmö och presentera sitt arbete samt få en prissumma på 50 000 kronor.

Vem kan ansöka

Priset kan sökas av organisationer, verksamheter, företag och privatpersoner i Norrbottens län. Priset är för genomförd eller pågående jämställdhetsinsats och inte ansökan om medel för planerat arbete. Ansökan ska vara inkommen till Länsstyrelsen senast den 25 mars 2014. Vinnaren utses under april månad. Läs hur du kan ansöka och hämta ansökningsblanketterna på Norrbottens läns landstings hemsida. Klicka här!


Namn: Tanya Jendersen

Titel: Strateg jämställhetsfrågor Norrbottens läns landsting

Telefonnummer: 070-233 0038
Namn: Malin Stenman

Titel: Sakkunnig jämställdhet Länsstyrelsen

Telefonnummer: 010-2255295, 072-749 65 63

Till alla unga i Sverige – ett erbjudande ni inte kan motstå!

VAR MED I MAKALÖSAS UNGDOMSPOLITISKA GRUPP och få chansen att åka till Nordiskt Forum Malmö 2014 och till Almedalen!

Unga vuxna mellan 15 och 25 år från hela Sverige är välkomna att delta i den ungdomspolitiska gruppen. I gruppen får du tillsammans med andra tillfälle att granska, kritisera och ifrågasätta ett antal kommuners insatser och arbete för ungdomar.

Vilket fokus just DU vill ha, får du stor frihet att själv utforma, men det ska beröra ekonomisk och social utsatthet bland barn och ungdomar!

Arbetet i denna politiska ungdomsgrupp sker främst i form av gemensamma möten men också i form av eget arbete på hemmaplan (se datum längre ner). Dessutom får gruppen följa med till Nordiskt Forum 2014 och Almedalen, Gotland.

Resor, kost och logi bekostas av projektet.

Datum för politiska ungdomsgruppen:

18-19 januari, Stockholm (ev) 8-9 mars, Stockholm

26-27 april, Lund 12-15 juni, Malmö (Nordiskt Forum)

22 juni—6 juli, Gotland (Almedalen) november, Stockholm


SKICKA ETT MAIL TILL: Sophia Lövgren, Generalsekreterare Makalösa Föräldrar:
